Marcapar : le pouvoir des plantes

Opt for natural to dye your hair!

The power of plants

Dye your hair thanks to the power of the plants. Marcapar's dyes are plant baths. Thanks to plant properties we reach an endless herbal dye colour chart. We are able to dye every hair colour and to cover 100% white hair. Our dyes suit pregnant women. Dive into the plant world !

The herbal dye ! a plant bath

A bath of plants is a powder mixed with water or with a decoction. Decoction is a plant active substance extraction method. To get a decoction the hard parts of the plants (roots, seeds, barks) are immerged in a bowl filled with water and kept boiling for 2 to 15 minutes.

The bath of plants naturally magnetizes to the hair, wrapping it, thus creating a sheath which strengthens and protects. Herbal pigments don't enter the hair but wraps it making it thicker and brighter while preserving its elasticity.

Herbal dyes

A new job, mastering plants : herbal dye hairdresser

Herbal dye hairdresser is a brand new job that's why every Marcapar's network hairdressers « HAIR CHEFS » attended a course. The mastery of tinctorial plants enable each of them to achieve dyes from a wide colour chart which result matches every customer's will. Beautifying, strengthening the hair while enjoying a perfect wellness moment, is the protocol implemented by Marcapar.

Find my herbal dye hairdresser

Marcapar herbal dye protocol